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1. "Ararat - The Border Crossing", 1986, (TMP/ Efa-Distribution)
This album presents highlights from the 3-hour-long "musical narration" "The Legend of Mount Ararat", based upon the novel by Yashar Kemal.
The composition, telling a poetic love story, is a 'new' approach for a synthesis of music with a drama, a 'new' kind of approach for a "favola in musica" for our times, for one narrator and a chamber orchestra...The album contains the Overture and six other pieces...The musicians : Besides Tayfun ( composition, libretto, piano and vocal), Lennart Aberg from Sweden (soprano sax), Süleyman Erguner (ney - flute), Okay Temiz (drums, percussion), Hans Hartmann (double bass) and others...
2."Eisen, Kohle und Zucker" ("Iron, Coal and Sugar"/ Musical poems by Tayfun on Nazim Hikmet), 1991, (Open Minds/ ITM-Distribution)
Selected pieces from the "EthnoMonoJazzDrama" "Das Lied der Sonnensäufer" ("The Song of the Ones Who Drink from the Sun" ) for one narrator and a jazz-combo...
Two longer pieces from the 2.5 hour-long composition, based on the epical-narrative poems of Nazim Hikmet are presented: "The Prologue" from the "Epic of the War of Liberation" (16 minutes) and "Die Sehnsuchtstrilogie" ("Trilogy of the Yearning") together with Otto Sander (Narrator), Gebhard Ullmann (soprano sax), Tayfun (composition, libretto, piano and vocal) and others..
3. "Dreams and dances of a silent butterfly", 2001, (Mood Records/Vertrieb: Zweitausendeins)
The third soloalbum includes besides 15 instrumental compositions also two vocal pieces "Margit my angel" and "Mountain Bike" (title song of a short film by the same title produced by Wim Wenders)...Altogether compositions which are the result of a personal "big settlement with the life" which took place in the the years from 1992 to 1997.
Most of the pieces have been composed solely for "Margit my angel" who has been suffering from a very severe form of MS (multiple sclerosis) since 1989 to this day, but in spite of that who is struggling with a very unique and rare "wish for life" (maybe similar to some characters in the novels of Jack London...) against her illness...
Musicians besides Tayfun (compositions, piano & vocal) are the spanish-french virtuoso of double bass Renaud Garcia-Fons, the soprano sax and bass clarinet player Gebhard Ullmann, Tobias Morgenstern (accordion), Matias de Oliveira Pinto (cello) from Brasil and others...
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